How to Payout to a Beneficiary with Full API Solution

The usual workflow for integrating with the non-hosted solution involves the following steps:

Step 1: Authenticate: Obtain an API token by validating your credentials.

Step 2: Create Beneficiary: Create and manage beneficiary's accounts using API calls.

Step 3: Create Transfer Method: Add and manage transfer methods for your beneficiaries.

Step 4: Create Transfer: Execute and manage transfers between accounts.

API Endpoints Used

This guide will demonstrate step-by-step instructions using the API integration method. In this guide, you will use the following API endpoints:

Below, you will go through the necessary API calls to achieve the steps above within the i-payout system.



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Step 1: Authenticate

To start using i-payout solutions, you will need to authenticate with your API Token. Refer to the Get a Token guide to learn how to:

Step 2: Create Beneficiary

A beneficiary is an individual designated to receive funds or payments through the i-payout system. To create a beneficiary, you will need to provide detailed information about the individual, such as their name, address, and payment details.

Use the Create Beneficiary endpoint to create a new beneficiary. The request should include all necessary details about the beneficiary in the request body and, as shown in Step 1, include the authentication to access the i-payout API. Below, you will find an example request to create a new beneficiary:

curl --request POST \
     --url "" \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>' \
     --header 'X-MerchantId: <YOUR_MERCHANT_ID>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/*+json' \
     --data '{
        "username": "john_doe",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe"
  "data": {
    "customerToken": "e0e4764b-9619-4deb-95c4-108ce9f0fe04"
  "isSuccess": true,
  "message": "Customer created successfully",
  "statusCode": 0,
  "logIdentifier": "497b73624c0d47bfb0abf58df5dd99ca"

Choose the Transfer Method

Before creating a transfer, you will need to create a transfer method. Follow the cards below for the next steps for each available transfer method.